Digital Library NAES of Ukraine

Information Resources of the Libraries Belonging to the Pedagogical and Engineering-and-Pedagogical Higher Educational Establishments of the 3rd and 4th Levels of Accreditation in Ukraine

- Біла, Людмила Олексіївна (2014) Information Resources of the Libraries Belonging to the Pedagogical and Engineering-and-Pedagogical Higher Educational Establishments of the 3rd and 4th Levels of Accreditation in Ukraine Наукові праці Державної науково-педагогічної бібліотеки України імені В. О. Сухомлинського. Вип. 4. Інтегрований галузевий інформаційний ресурс: стан, проблеми, перспективи створення та забезпечення доступу: зб. наук. пр. pp. 128-138. ISSN 2409-0891

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The author of the article analyzes the activities of the libraries belonging to the pedagogical and engineering-and-pedagogical higher educational establishments of the 3rd and 4th levels of accreditation, which represent the network of educational libraries subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine for 2010–2012.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: libraries belonging to the pedagogical and engineering-and-pedagogical higher educational establishments of the 3rd and 4th levels of accreditation, information resource, information technology, information and bibliographic service, innovations
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. User interface. User environment
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 02 Librarianship
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine
Depositing User: науковий співробітник А. І. Рубан
Date Deposited: 17 Mar 2015 07:07
Last Modified: 17 Mar 2015 07:07


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