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Tools for researching staff's mental health

- Карамушка, Л.М. (, Креденцер, О.В. ( and Терещенко, К.В. ( (2019) Tools for researching staff's mental health Актуальні проблеми психології : зб. наук. праць Ін-ту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Том І : Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. Соціальна психологія, 54. pp. 15-22. ISSN 2072-4772

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The article presents a set of tools for researching mental health of the staff in organizations. The first group of tools consists of those for studying the psychological characteristics of health in general, the second group includes the tools for studying psychological health. Both the first and the second groups of tools have two subgroups: the first subgroup has the tools meant to study staff's functional health and psychological health, while the second subgroup includes the tools designed to study the components of and staff's attitudes towards psychological health as well as the basic types of well-being. The authors give a detailed description of the discussed tools and the rationale for their including in the complex. The proposed set of tools can be used by organizational psychologists to assess staff's psychological health. Further research may focus on choosing instruments for studying organizational and psychological factors in and conditions for maintaining staff's psychological health.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: health; psychological health; functional health; psychological features of health; components of psychological health; attitude towards psychological health; welfare; tools
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 303 Methods of the social sciences
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 36 Safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of organizational and economical psychology
Depositing User: Член-кореспондент НАПН України, доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувачка лабораторії організаційної психології Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України Л.М. Карамушка
Date Deposited: 05 Feb 2020 15:14
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2020 15:14


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