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- Аніщенко, Наталія Вікторівна ( (2023) Teaching Piano Gifted High School Students within the Context of Musical and Music Performing Perception Pedagogical innovation: ideas, realities, perspectives, 1 (30). pp. 82-92. ISSN 2413-4139
- Бєльська, Н.А. ( and Мельник, Марина Юріївна ( (2023) Resources and Factors of Psychological Well-Being of Participants in the Educational Process under the Conditions of Marital State Education and Development of Gifted Personality, 4 (91). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2309-3935
- Гребенюк, Леся Володимирівна (, Дубровіна, Ірина Володимирівна ( and Аніщенко, Наталія Вікторівна ( (2023) Factors of Formation of Communicative Competence of Higher Education Student Education and Development of Gifted Personality, 4 (91). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2309-3935
- Ковальчук, Ю.М. ( (2023) Psychological Dimensions and Mechanisms of Acquiring Scientific Knowledge in Education Pedagogical innovation: ideas, realities, perspectives, 2 (31). pp. 41-54. ISSN 2413-4139
- Ковальчук, Ю.М. ( (2023) Giftedness: from the Peaple Ways to the Science Principles of Identification Education and Development of Gifted Personality, 2 (89). pp. 5-15. ISSN 2309-3935
- Мельник, Марина Юріївна ( and Волощук, Руслан Іванович ( (2023) Value Orientations of Gifted High School Students Pedagogical innovation: ideas, realities, perspectives, 2 (31). pp. 81-89. ISSN 2413-4139
Teaching Resource
- Бєльська, Н.А. ( and Мельник, Марина Юріївна ( (2023) Psychological Diagnosis of Students' Giftedness : Methodological Recommendations [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
- Мельник, Марина Юріївна ( and Бєльська, Н.А. ( (2023) Rating Scales for Assessing Giftedness : Methodological Recommendations [Teaching Resource]