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A socialpsychological prophylaxis of violations of adaptation of young people to everyday stress: methodical recommendations

- Титаренко, Тетяна Михайлівна (, Черемних, Катерина Олегівна, Кляпець, Ольга Яківна (, Лєпіхова, Лора Анатоліївна, Савінов, Володимир Вікторович (, Лазоренко, Борис Петрович ( and Баришполець, Олексій Трохимович (2010) A socialpsychological prophylaxis of violations of adaptation of young people to everyday stress: methodical recommendations [Teaching Resource]

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Соц.-психол.профілактика порушень адаптації-метод.рек.-наук.ред.Т.М.Титаренко.pdf

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Ability of man effectively to resist the calls of everyday life, to adapt oneself to unforeseeableness, changeability and contradiction of workaday environment one of major requirements to personality from the side of contemporaneity. Recommendations contain taking about the adaptation resources of personality and reasons of bad adaptation, offer methodical advices and instruments of opposition everyday stress, summarize the methodological going near prophylactic work and results of researches conducted within the framework of the Complex program "Health of nation" in 2002 - 2011. Edition is addressed psychologists, social workers, social teachers, to engaged in prophylactic work with young people. It will be useful also to the parents, teachers and young people, which will be able to find in him advices and answers, touching most meaningful measurings of everyday life.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Additional Information: Sotsialno-psihologichna profilaktika porushen adaptatsiyi molodi do povsyakdennogo stresu: metod. rekomendatsiyi [A socialpsychological prophylaxis of violations of adaptation of young people to everyday stress: methodical recommendations], Kiev, Ukrainian [in Ukrainian] ISBN 978-966-8063-90-10
Keywords: adaptation to stress, violations of adaptation, everyday stress, factors of stress.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Social Psychology of Personality
Depositing User: Ольга Яківна Кляпець
Date Deposited: 07 Apr 2015 11:31
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2022 06:59


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