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Psychological features of environmental risk perception during the war

- Чаплінська, Юлія Сергіївна ( and Казначеєв, Максим В’ячеславович ( (2023) Psychological features of environmental risk perception during the war Вісник Львівського університету. Серія психологічні науки (16). pp. 56-63. ISSN 2522-1876

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This article focuses on the theoretical examination of the population's perception of environmental risks in times of war. The main groups of theories that have historically emerged in the study of risk perception are considered: psychological-cognitive, sociological-anthropological, and integrative approaches. The distinctive features of environmental risks as a separate category are analyzed and discussed, as well as the psychological specificity of their perception by the population in times of war, and the peculiarities of the media space through which information about environmental risks is transmitted and transformed. It is demonstrated that the high complexity, uncertainty, intermediacy (receiving information through mass media or social networks), non-obviousness (in temporal and spatial perspective) until the moment of actualization in the mass media, and novelty (in times of war) of environmental risks significantly complicate the assessment of their consequences by the population. Trust in the source of information, as well as affective and intuitive reactions of media consumers themselves, form the basis for processing such media messages. Typical images of environmental risks in times of war, from the perspective of their possible representation in the mass consciousness, are identified and described, namely: “anticipation of catastrophe” and “delayed harm”. Due to its qualitative characteristics, the image of “anticipation of catastrophe” evokes the least tolerance, high concern, and the highest risk perception, as demonstrated by the example of a possible accident at a nuclear power plant. The image of the “delayed harm”, despite its equally catastrophic impact, may be perceived as less significant and may not attract attention due to the complexity of understanding the consequences and the cumulative nature of many environmental risks.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: risk perception, environmental risks, environmental psychology, environmental consciousness.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 502/504 Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education
Depositing User: с.н.с. Юлія Сергіївна Чаплінська
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2023 10:03
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2023 10:03


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