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Non-Formal Education of Various Categories of Adult Population: Theoretical Aspects, Methodical Grounds

- Лук’янова, Лариса Борисівна ( and Ващенко, Любов ( (2019) Non-Formal Education of Various Categories of Adult Population: Theoretical Aspects, Methodical Grounds Освіта для миру, 2. pp. 400-417. ISSN ISBN 978-617-7221-37-0

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The article reveals the analysis of the characteristic features of modern society. The leading ones, in the authors’ opinion, are the deepening of the interdependence and interaction of all its subjects. Hence, they require the updating of the goals of education and upbringing. In this context there have been highlighted the role of modern education in providing peace, freedom, social justice and order. In addition, the role of non-formal education is displayed as an important component of the continuous education system. The conducted theoretical analysis of non-formal education of different categories of adult population resulted in classifying subjects (institutions, organizational forms and methods of non-formal learning. It has been found out that the most effective and frequently used forms of non-formal learning are forums, structured online learning, courses and programs of public associations organized for their members, target groups or society as a whole. There have also been characterized the peculiarities of arranging forums, in particular their role in visualizing the educational potential of different categories of adults, promoting the development of lifelong learning culture, forming a unified strategy for the development of lifelong education at the national, regional, city and district levels. The role of open educational resources such as online platforms is considered. Further, there has been analyzed how public associations provide a range of educational services in the non-formal sector which are aimed at the formation and development of communities capable of active participation in democratic social transformations in Ukraine, using and developing the potential of civil society institutions. It is substantiated that non-formal education has the potential of integrating adults’ personal and professional development. The effectiveness of the influence of these types, forms and methods of organizing non-formal education is determined by their reliance on internal personal needs in self-actualization, self-development and self-realization.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: non-formal education, adults, forms and methods, forums, online learning, courses, programs, public associations.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education for the Adults > Andragogy Department
Depositing User: Катерина Василівна Годлевська
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2023 18:59
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2023 18:59


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