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Counseling in the System of Psychosocial Assistance to Children and Families Caught in Difficult Living Circumstances as a result of Military Action

Байдик, Віта Володимирівна (, Бондарук, Юлія Сергіївна (, Гніда, Т.Б. (, Корнієнко, Ігор Олексійович (, Лунченко, Надія Вікторівна (, Луценко, Ю.А. (, Мороз, Р.А. and Ткачук, І.І. ( (2019) Counseling in the System of Psychosocial Assistance to Children and Families Caught in Difficult Living Circumstances as a result of Military Action . Український науково-методичний центр практичної психології і соціальної роботи, м. Київ, Україна. ISBN 978-617-7118-35-9

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The Practical Guide "Counseling in the System of Psychosocial Assistance to Children and Families Caught in Difficult Living Circumstances as a result of Military Action" was developed to perform a scientific study "Scientific and methodological support for the activities of employees of the psychological service to assist children and families in difficult life circumstances as a result of hostilities ”, state registration number 0119U001306. The publication covers a wide range of issues related to the organization and implementation of the counseling process for children and families who have experienced traumatic experiences. The offered procedures and techniques of counseling and corrective work are scientifically substantiated, recognized by modern domestic and foreign psychologists-practitioners. The guide is recommended for practical psychologists, social educators, social workers, students of relevant qualifications.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: difficult life circumstances, DLC, psychosocial assistance, social and psychological support, traumatic events, traumatic experience, counseling
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center of Applied Psychology and Social Work > Laboratory of Applied Psychology of Education
Depositing User: лаборант Арина Андріївна Мельник
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2020 15:39
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2020 15:39


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