- Shevchenko, Svetlana (orcid.org/0000-0002-0432-8893) (2018) Оrganization of educational process in schools with polish of educating and the special school for deaf children in the conditions of independent Ukraine (1991–2010) (comparative aspect) Теорія і практика підтримки дитини сім'ї з інвалідністю: проблеми педагогів (18). pp. 159-166. ISSN 1896-4591
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Our conducted scientific comparative analysis shows that the special educating of deaf children and formations of schools with Polish has alike history in Ukraine. On the modern stage of community development the Ukrainian state guarantees equal rights for all nationalities resident on her territory. Becoming of the independent Ukrainian state became reliable defenses for the children-invalids of the special schools-boarding-schools and children of schools of national minorities. Development of independent Ukraine opened new prospects for the revival of all nationalities. The analysis of the stages and progress of school trends, formations of national minorities and special education, on Ukraine proves that during great while education was not complete national freedom, as a result was doomed to lag. At the same time she was the weapon of people of fight for national rights, democratization and educating in native language.
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