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The New and the Old in the Modern Foreign Makarenkiana

- Дічек, Наталія Петрівна (2018) The New and the Old in the Modern Foreign Makarenkiana Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technology, 2 (76). pp. 221-235.

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In accordance with the purpose of the article, interpretative approaches to analyzing A. Makarenko’s educational views and evaluating his educational heritage in English language publications of the last decade are covered (E. T. Eving, S. Negrutsu, T. Halvorsen, A. Hapenchuk, A. Hartman, K. W. Young). Although the publications belong to the representatives of different countries (USA, Germany, Norway, Romania), they are united by the subject of research (theoretical ideas and practical educational experience of A. Makarenko) and the language of publication. It was these two aspects that gave us an excuse to identify and substantiate the appearance of a phenomenon such as the foreign makarenkiana (different studies devoted to A. Makarenko) in the late 1990’s, the most representative part of which (due to the coverage of authors from different countries, who published their works in English) is the English language makarenkiana. Based on the historiographic search and the comparative analysis of contemporary appeals to the ideas and personality of the outstanding educator, “the Key Pedagogic Thinker” (T. Halvorsen, 2014), the following is proved. Despite the disappearance of the super state – the USSR, its history and people who have become iconic in various spheres of Soviet activity continue to arouse scientific interest among foreign researchers. In the field of educational practices, this primarily applies to A. Makarenko. It is substantiated that interest in A. Makarenko’s ideas about the upbringing and resocialization of youth (especially the problem one) is motivated by different goals, among which two are predominating. The first goal – in the context of the current topical problems of the upbringing and socialization of youth, find something useful in their solution in A. Makarenko’s educational experience, which is recognized effective by all researchers. This refers to the articles of A. Hapenchuk (Romania), T. Halvorsen (Norway), in part – E. E. Ewing (USA). In this case, the pragmatic interest of authors predominates, which allows them not to focus only on the communist component of his ideas, but to find universal dominants that have not lost their meaning even now. The second goal is to attract the phenomenon of A. Makarenko for the argumentation of certain historical reconstructions of the period of the USSR’s existence (mainly the Stalin period of the 1930s). It applies to the research of A. Hartmann (Germany), S. Negrutsu (Romania), where the anti-communist orientation of the interpretation is the main idea.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Anton Makarenko, educational ideas of A. Makarenko, antisocial youth, English-speaking makarenkiana, methods of education, resocialization, interpretative reflections, inclusive discipline
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 9 Geography. Biography. History > 93/94 History
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > History of Pedagogy Department
Depositing User: д.пед.н., професор Н.П. Дічек завідувач відділу історії та філософії освіти
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2019 11:16
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2019 11:20


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