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Happiness as a personal reality: experiencing, reflexing, constructing

- Титаренко, Тетяна Михайлівна ( (2017) Happiness as a personal reality: experiencing, reflexing, constructing Психологія особистості, 1 (8). pp. 80-89. ISSN 2309-785Х

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Щастя як особистісна реалія. Переживання, рефлексування, конструювання..pdf

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The article examines the results of empirical research conducted on the social network's users upon the happiness as a personal reality which can be experiential, reflexive, and constructive one. It is shown that a multidimensional semantic field of happiness, which has dominants in balance, calmness, and equilibrium, combines certain experiences and interpretations of life events by means of semantic relations with each other. As a result of the direct experiencing of happiness analysis (I-sensual) the following thematic sections are highlighted: harmony (36,6%); joy (26,8%); love (26.8%); life (12,2%); self-acceptance (9,8%), creativity (7,3%). As a result of the ways to understand the state of happiness analysis (I-reflexive) the following thematic sections are highlighted: optimists (21,9%), loving (21,9%), creators (19,5%), Me (17,1%), harmonious (14,6%). Among the approaches to achieve the happiness, the following thematic sections are met most often: love, dearness (36,6%), communication (24,4%), self-realization (24,4%), development (14,6%), Me and my life (9,8%), travels (9,8%). The comparison of the approaches to happiness from the I-sensual and the I-reflexive parts has shown that the first one is constructed on experiences of peace, joy, and love, while the second one is constructed on the beliefs about optimism, love and creativity meaning in the life story creation. We can assume that the fleeting state of happiness becomes a stable personal reality when the approaches of sensual and reflexive «I» are synchronized.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: semantic field of happiness, personal reality, I-sensual, I-reflexive, conditions experiencing, events interpretation
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Social Psychology of Personality
Depositing User: Тетяна Михайлівна Титаренко
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2018 14:00
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2018 14:00


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