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Professional orientation

- Ігнатович, Олена Михайлівна (, Литвинова, Наліна Іванівна, Єгорова, Єлізавета Володимирівна, Татаурова-Осика, Галина Петрівна, Шевенко, Алла Миколаївна (, Синявський, Віталій Васильович, Марченко, Іраїда Борисівна, Мерзлякова, Олена Леонідівна and Кобченко, В.В. (2014) Professional orientation [Teaching Resource]

[thumbnail of 02_2650_Професійна орієнтація.pdf]
02_2650_Професійна орієнтація.pdf

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The textbook outlines the basic foundations of professionalism, psychodiagnostics, professional information, professional counseling, professional selection and professional adaptation as components of the professional orientation of the individual, which are necessary for mastering the system of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills for conducting vocational guidance work. The textbook includes tasks for independent work that allow orientation of students for active cognitive activity, independent creative study of the basics of professional orientation, and also provide more effective mastery of educational material and practical skills, in particular: the ability to determine the peculiarities of young people's readiness to choose a profession; to form a professionogram, to find motives for choosing a profession in different age periods, to define professional interests and abilities. The textbook is devoted to students studying in the specialties "Practical Psychology" and "Social Pedagogy".

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Keywords: Professional orientation, professional information, professional counseling, professional diagnosis, professional selection, professional adaptation.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education for the Adults > Department of Psychology of Labor
Depositing User: Олена Михайлівна Ігнатович
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2018 11:31
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2021 21:27


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