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Mythological forms of socio-psychological thinking

- Суший, О.В. ( (2016) Mythological forms of socio-psychological thinking Наукові студії із соціальної та політичної психології, 38 (41). pp. 3-18.

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This article analyzes mythological forms of socio-psychological thinking, mechanisms, regularities and tendencies of their functioning and development. I argue, that the myth as a form of cognition and consciousness passes through several stages that are characterized by varying degrees of awareness and rationalization of their content by the subject of myth-creation (mythologization, demythologization, remiophologization). The historical dynamics of mythmaking fits into the general context of the dynamics of society (from the archaic and pre-industrial until to the modern, post-industrial), as well as the cognitive evolution that took place in the process of historical and cultural development of mankind. The interrelations (points of intersection) of the mythological form of socio-psychological thinking with itsother non-scholarly form-evolutions (magic, religion, ideology) are traced. It was shown that the first mythological elements still contain elements of magical consciousness. With the advent of early myths, there is a significant expansion, in comparison with magic, of the subject field of cognition. In place of the early myth comes a more developed form of mythology, which is filled with new verbal and logical elements. The myth is developed - it is a certain "foreboding", though unscientific, but theoretical quality - natural philosophy. The crisis of mythological consciousness becomes the marker of the "cultural turn" - the transition from mythological thinking to logical, from myth to Logos. Rationalization becomes demythologization, differentiation of social consciousness takes place, its rationalreflexive forms such as science, philosophy are highlighted. Mythology has lost its position as the only true picture of the world, but the "mechanism", the methodology of the mythological development of the world, is manifested to varying degrees in all forms of social consciousness, especially in religion, art, and the social and political sphere. Modern man not only retains the ability to "mythic" through the perception of illusory ideological or artistic constructions and faith in them. There is a powerful remyphologization of public consciousness, opposing the whole process of demythologization as a whole.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: myth, mythological consciousness, myth-making, mythological forms of socio-psychological thinking.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Methodology for Psychosocial and Political Psychology Research
Depositing User: Доктор О.В. Суший
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2017 21:08
Last Modified: 24 Jul 2018 17:05


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