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Confined spaces: symptoms of non-dialogiuness discourse

- Кочубейник, Ольга Миколаївна ( (2015) Confined spaces: symptoms of non-dialogiuness discourse Педагогічний процес: теорія і практика (3-4). pp. 59-64. ISSN 2412-0154

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The article proves the need for social and psychological support of various procedures for the effective construc-tion of social dialogue. It is argued it is a tool for achieving a conflict-free coexistence of different groups and mecha-nism for resolving «problem areas» in the space of their life together. The author believes that modern society consists of different discourse community. A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, under-stood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. Each discourse community has its own unwritten rules about what can be said and how it can be said. Most people move within and between different discourse communities every day. The author notes social dialogue is one of constructive responses to the challenges of modernity that arise due to increasing cultural diversity. Further, the author analyzes in detail the obstacles that arise as a result of the radicalization of discourse (its non-dialogueness). The article pointed out that the common denominator of all forms of non-dialogic discourse is the need to protect the «correct» picture of the world. This leads to substantial reconstruction of the main parameters of meaning and sense reproduction that construct this picture. The author also claims that the isolated symptoms should be seen as dif-ferent manifestations of this protection. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes that the main source of difficulties in social dialogue (which is contrary to the idea of cooperation) is agonistic discourse. She argues that social dialogue as communicative practice which carried out among communities of modern society is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it should enrich the sociality, making different discourses through its various articulations, while helping relieve contradiction «friend or foe» (cooperation). On the other hand, it tends (due to agonality of discourse) to sharp expansion, resulting in absorption other ones.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: conflict; discourse agonality; discursive boundary cooperation; social dialogue.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Psychology of Communication
Depositing User: Ю.В. Товстокора
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2015 06:59
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2018 14:50


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