System-information justification of the conformity criteria of systems advantages of the participants of the educational process

- Рева, Олексій Миколайович ( and Камишин, Володимир Вікторович ( (2022) System-information justification of the conformity criteria of systems advantages of the participants of the educational process Педагогічні інновації: ідеї, реалії, перспективи, 1 (28). pp. 70-78. ISSN 2413-4139

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The article states that, on the one hand, effective management of the educational process is possible under the conditions of using informative qualitative “indicators”, and on the other hand, the activities of subjects and objects of this process are the essence of a continuous chain of decisions that are made and implemented in explicit and implicit forms and under the influence of many factors of different nature and sources of origin. The relationship between the components of the influence of the human factor on decision-making and the attitude of the participants of the educational process to its indicators and characteristics, which determine both the effectiveness of implemented pedagogical measures and the point of bifurcation in the emergence of a synergistic effect in education, is established. The systemic content of the definition of “pedagogical measurement” was provided by N. Rosenberg, one of the founders of the Russian pedagogical cybernetics, noting that it is a cognitive process that consists of the fact that, on the basis of a numerical system (or class system) obtained earlier, an isomorphic empirical system with relations that experimentally determine the quantitative values of quantities characterizing some features of pedagogical objects or phenomena, or indicate the class to which they belong. The uncertainty of the educational process and the subjectivity of expert qualimetry have a negative impact on the “accuracy” of measuring its indicators and characteristics, and therefore on the quality of the corresponding modeling and mathematical description, and therefore on improvement. In the context of the article, the system of preferences of subjects and objects of the educational process is considered. The concept of an ordered number of indicators, characteristics, objects and phenomena of this process is included in the content of the definition “system of advantages”: from the more acceptable, significant, useful, etc. in the imagination of the measurers to the less important. Formulated a range of criteria that determine the consistency of opinions (group preference systems) of the participants of the specified process in relation to the knowledge of its indicators and characteristics. That allows for a more complete and comprehensive investigation of the specified consistency, and therefore increases the reliability of the corresponding conclusions in the management process.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: synergy; catastrophe theory; academic disciplines; innovative information technologies; spline functions.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
Divisions: Institute of the gifted child > Giftedness Development Projection Department
Depositing User: Артур Борисович Кочарян
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2022 16:42
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2022 16:42


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