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Інститут проблем виховання, НАПН України and КНЗ КОР «Київський обласний інститут, післядипломної освіти педагогічних кадрів» (2020) Improving the educational process in educational institutions as a basis for socio-cultural growth of children and youth . КНЗ КОР «КОІПОПК», м. Біла Церква, Україна.
- Гончар, Л.В. (2020) Theoretical aspects of formation of readyness for responsible parenting in secondary school students Vzdelávanie aspoločnosť, 5. ISSN 978-80-555-2438-2
- Канішевська, Л.В. ( (2020) Some aspects of the problem in forming readiness of boarding schools students for conscious parenting In: Education, Law, Business: Collection of scientific articles . Cartero Publishing House, c. Madrid, Spain, pp. 77-81. ISBN 978-2-5494-0322-3
- Канішевська, Л.В. ( (2020) Theoretical aspects of the problem of upbringing tolerance in student youth In: Science and society: Collection of scientific articles . Fadette editions, c. Namur, Belgium, pp. 77-80. ISBN 978-2-5494-0322-4
- Шахрай, В.М. ( (2020) Development of high school students’ preparedness to responsible parenthood: basic concepts of the study Інноватика у вихованні, 2 (11). pp. 48-55. ISSN 2411-4553