Digital Library NAES of Ukraine

Browse by Scientific subject

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Number of items: 8.


- Ничкало, Нелля Григорівна ( (2016) The son of the Polish people and great friend of Ukraine Badanie. Dojrzewanie. Rozwój (na drodze do doktoratu): odrębność metodologiczna a dyscyplinarność danej dziedziny wiedzy (277). pp. 16-21.

- Павлик, Н.В. ( (2016) Forming and improving the spiritual qualities of future educators - a key to the success of educational reforms Наука і суспільство, 11/12. pp. 16-26.

- Павлик, Н.В. ( (2016) Harmonizing the character of the modern student youth as a prerequisite for spiritual and moral development of the personality Наука і суспільство, 7/8. pp. 11-17.


- Павлик, Н.В. ( (2016) Value determination of moral formation personality in adolescence Project Report. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken.

- Помиткін, Едуард Олександрович, Рибалка, В.В., Становських, З.Л., Бастун, Микола Володимирович, Павлик, Н.В., Радзімовська, О. В., Шкіренко, Олена Віталіївна and Жмурко, М.Д. (2016) Psychological basics of teacher staff in the development of the spiritual potential of youth Project Report. . (Unpublished)

Teaching Resource

- Бастун, Микола Володимирович (2016) Dialogic principles of training teaching staff to develop spiritual potential students [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

- Павлик, Н.В. and Волошко, Наталія Іванівна (2016) Psychological characteristics of individual spiritual qualities of character in the educational process [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

- Помиткін, Едуард Олександрович (2016) Teaching psychology to high school students: Guidelines [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

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