Items where Division is "Department of open education systems and information and communication technologies" and Year is 2017
- Андрос, Мирослав Євгенійович ( (2017) Testing as an element of the effectiveness of distance learning Післядипломна освіта в Україні, 2. pp. 79-83.
- Антощук, С. В. ( (2017) Organization of educational and methodological work of the department by means of Office 365 Післядипломна освіта в Україні, 2. pp. 48-52.
- Касьян, С.П. ( (2017) Prospects for the modernization of postgraduate pedagogical education system in the context of the formation of a global information society Післядипломна освіта в Україні, 1. pp. 74-77.
- Касьян, С.П. ( (2017) The technology of work in a single information environment based on Office 365 in the managerial activities of the head of the department Післядипломна освіта в Україні, 2 (108). pp. 56-60.
- Касьян, С.П. ( (2017) Analysis of educational process in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education using electronic learning technologies Організація освітнього процесу в закладах післядипломної педагогічної освіти з використанням електронних технологій навчання. pp. 7-19.
Teaching Resource
- Антощук, С. В. ( (2017) E-Learning Course, Web Resources and Google Services in the educational process [Teaching Resource]
- Антощук, С. В. ( (2017) Basics of practical work in the eFront Learning Resources Management System (instruction for trainees) [Teaching Resource]