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Items where Division is "Department of Administration Phsycology" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 17.


- Bondarchuk, Olena ( (2018) Psychological safety of the educational environment of secondary schools as a factor of motivation of innovative activities of Ukrainian teachers Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria «Ştiinţe ale educaţiei», 9 (119). pp. 216-220. ISSN 1857-2103; 2345-1025 (online)

- Bondarchuk, Olena ( (2018) Subjective well-being of the teachers of secondary schools as an indicator of psychological safety of educational environment Culture – transformations– education (6). pp. 228-240. ISSN 2300-9888

- Bondarevskaya, Irina ( (2018) Citizenship identity of a person in news media space Студії Університету Молдови, 9 (119). pp. 104-108. ISSN 1857-2103


- Pinchuk, Natalia ( (2018) The gender aspect of technically gifted personality’s development during teenagers’ period Studia Universitatis Moldaviae, Seria “Stiinte ale educatiei”, 9 (119). pp. 253-258. ISSN 1857-2103, 2345-1025 (online)


- Бондаревська, Ірина Олегівна ( (2018) Social identity and trust as factors of consolidated public opinion formation regarding innovations in education Psychological and pedagogical means of professionalism development among educators in conditions of New Ukrainian school concept realization : Proceedings of all-Ukrainian internet conference (29, March, 2018). pp. 53-57.

- Бондарчук, О.І. ( (2018) Technology of development of psychological readiness of heads of educational institutions for activities in the conditions of social transformations Журнал "Післядипломна освіта в Україні", 1. pp. 84-87.

- Бондарчук, О.І. ( (2018) Psychological safety of the educational environment: the essence and conditions of creation: a special course for students of distance learning in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education [Teaching Resource]

- Бондарчук, О.І. ( (2018) Social self efficiency of pedagogical employees as factor of psychological safety of the educational environment Collection of scientific articles of Kyiv International University and Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Series: "Psychological Sciences: Problems and Achievements", 2 (12). pp. 5-24.


- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Distinctive features of personality characteristics of entrepreneurial activity of ukrainian managers of vocational education institutions Studia Universitatis Moldaviae Education Sciences. Psychology. Pedagogy, 9 (119). pp. 157-160. ISSN 1857-2103

- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Program of development of psychological preparation of officials of professional and technical education to marketing educational services Правничий вісник Університету «КРОК» (33). pp. 202-210. ISSN 2312-7686

- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Features of self-efficiency of managers of vocational education institutions as a psychological factor of the success of their professional activity Вісник післядипломної освіти. Серія "Соціальні та поведінкові науки", 6 (35). pp. 65-77. ISSN 2522-9931

- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Features of personal readiness of heads of vocational education institutions to market educational services Теоретичні і прикладні пробдеми психології, 3 (47) (3). pp. 65-73. ISSN 2219-2654

- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Distinctive features of personality characteristics of entrepreneurial activity of ukrainian managers of vocational education institutions Studia Universitatis Moldaviae Education Sciences Psychology Pedagogy Psychology, 9 (119). pp. 157-160. ISSN 1857-2103

- Казакова, Світлана Володимирівна ( (2018) Psychological features of social creativity of managers of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions In: Bulletin of the Polish-Ukrainian Research Laboratory of Psychodidactics named after John Comenius. Modernization of the educational environment: problems and prospects. Materials of the Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference . Видавничо-поліграфічний центр "Візаві", м. Умань, Україна, pp. 63-66.

- Киричук, В. О. ( (2018) Implementation of the system of management of educational projects for the personal development of students of institutions of general secondary education by means of Internet technologies Postgraduate education in Ukraine, 2. pp. 86-89.


- Москальов, Максим Володимирович ( and Москальова, А.С. ( (2018) Style of conflict behavior for educational workers as faktorof them subjecttive prosperity Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 4 (28). pp. 92-97. ISSN 2313-7525

- Москальова, А.С. and Власенко, А.А. (2018) Psychological features of psychologists’ professional activities as helping socionomic professionals Науковий огляд, 4 (47). pp. 124-141. ISSN 2311-4509

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