Consulting services in institutions of higher education
Abstract. The article provides a theoretical analysis of consulting activities in institutions of higher education. The essence and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the researched topic are highlighted. The content of the concepts "consulting", "consulting service", "consulting functions" is considered. Attention is focused on changes in all spheres of life, which drive the economy, science, culture, education, industry and determine the development of consulting. It is noted that the rapid growth of consulting services determines the development of consulting activities and precedes significant losses caused by mistakes made by managers in management activities, etc. The scope of consulting activities in the higher education system of Ukraine has expanded from professional training to solving problems in educational institution management, labor relations, service in state authorities, social security, etc. The article highlights the specifics of consulting, reveals the features of pedagogical consulting in modern educational activities, and highlights the features of providing consulting services to consumers. The essence of the consulting function is revealed, which is based on providing assistance to education managers, analysis, development, provision and monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of the requested positions. The main functions of consulting in institutions of higher education are highlighted. The areas of cooperation between consulting companies and higher education institutions are characterized. Emphasis is placed on legal support of educational activities, scientific and methodical support of the educational process, and management consulting. Large-scale transformations in all spheres of human life are outlined, which enable higher education institutions to effectively adapt to the conditions of a changing external environment using consulting services in the field of education, based on the need to use professionalism and deeper experience of professional employees of consulting organizations. The difficulties and contradictions inherent in the formation of the informational and advisory environment of the institution of higher education and the development of consulting services in the educational field are considered.
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