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- Themes (37008)
- (2008-2010) ДР № 0108U001633 Axiological approach to learning educational content of future teachers (8)
- (2011-2013) ДР № 0111U001469 Psychological conditions of spiritual culture in educational personnel (89)
- (2011-2013) ДР № 0111U002606 Psychology of vocational guidance in the system of teacher education (18)
- ДР № 0114U003162 (2014-2016) Cultural approach of future teachers training to educational activities (25)
- ДР № 0107U002720 (2007-2009) The development of the innovative schools in Ukraine in the XX cen. (27)
- ДР № 0106U012435 (2007-2009) Models of innovation development of a general education institution (2)
- ДР № 0108U000180 (2008-2011) Formation management cultivation direct to educational institutions (28)
- ДР № 0108U000286 (2008-2011) Methodical bases of studies of history of Ukraine at vocational school (12)
- ДР № 0108U001068 (2008-2011) The methodical system of mathematics education in the profile school (4)
- ДР № 0110U000040 (2010-2012) The methodic system of teaching biology in school on acfdemic level (1)
- ДР № 0110U001201 (2010-2012) Teaching basics of audio-visual electronic media for a secondary school (14)
- ДР № 0112U000257 (2012-2014) Competence oriented methods of teaching mathematics in basic school (12)
- (2015-2017) ДР № 0115U003080 Transformations in School Education of the EU Countries and the USA (98)
- (2007-2009) ДР № 0107U000470 Educational potential of Children's Public Organizations of Ukraine (12)
- (2008-2010) ДР № 0108U000275 Social and Pedagogical Principles of Prevention of Violence in Families (26)
- ДР № 0111U000156 (2011-2013) Technologies of Formation of Middle School Pupils’ Ecological Behavior (29)
- ДР № 0112U000284 (2012-2014) Formation of Children’s Social Qualities in Group Charity Activity (30)
- (2014-2016) ДР № 0114U001294 Ecologization of Modern Comprehensive School’s Educational Environment (7)
- ДР № 0109U000170 (2009-2013) Paradigma changes of general psychology foundations under synergy views (12)
- ДР № 0113U001126 (2013-2015) Psychophysiological laws of personality`s professional self-fulfillment (60)
- (1998-2002) ДР № 0198U002048 Social-psychological conditions and determinants of the personal choice (5)
- In-te of SPP (2020–2022) ДР № 0120U000155 Psychological approaches to forecasting social processes (25)
- In-te of higher education (2013-2015) ДР № 0113U003102 Autonomy and governance in higher education (19)
- Institute of Pedagogics (2024-2025) ДР № 0124U000447 Didactic systems of profile secondary education (70)