Media trauma and posttraumatic stress disoder symptoms in children

- Найдьонова, Л. А. (, Найдьонов, Михайло Іванович ( and Григоровська, Любов Володимирівна ( (2022) Media trauma and posttraumatic stress disoder symptoms in children Журнал сучасної психології, 4 (27). pp. 56-70. ISSN 2310-4368

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The acute issue of the lack of high-quality diagnostic methods for assessing the level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its symptoms, especially psychodiagnostic scales of war traumatization for a child audience is discussed. Based on the analysis of international studies, a forecast was formulated regarding the 40–60% level of PTSD manifestations in Ukrainian children of the war, including among those who are Ukrainian refugees in different countries. Analysis of the symptoms used to diagnose PTSD and complex PTSD gives reason to suggest that the role of media traumatization is underestimated. Children receive media trauma as a result of exposition of the media content covering traumatic war events. It is necessary to take into account the age periodization of media risks to determine the role of media trauma in the complex assessment of exposure to stressors. An analysis of the sets of methods recommended by authoritative professional associations has been carried out, which increases the awareness of the urgent need to create domestic psychometric norms for children of different ages (a minimum of three age categories determined by various psychological mechanisms of media risks). Based on global analogues, which determine the loss of learning material by children with PTSD of about 60% due to cognitive problems (concentration of attention, reduced memory, difficulty in forming new skills), an approximate estimate of the expected socio-economic impact of PTSD on the educational system of Ukraine is given, which was an additional burden on the budget of about 5 billion hryvnias per year according to the most minimal level of expectation of PTSD among schoolchildren and students (10%) with a corresponding increase significantly when the national level of symptom manifestation will be more. It is proposed to consider the PTSD impact orientir as a basis for assessing the moral damage caused by the war to the educational system as a result of the change in children’s conditions due to the collective trauma of the war. The results of studies by Ukrainian scientists on the role of early diagnosis of PTSD and timely services show that the manifestation of PTSD symptoms reduces by 2 times. A conclusion was made about the urgent need to create remote technologies for the diagnosis of PTSD symptoms in children of different age categories, and the prospects for further research were outlined.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: PTSD, complex PTSD, age-related periodization of media risks, media traumatization, children of the war, psychodiagnostics.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education
Depositing User: Лаборант Д.Б. Говорун
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2024 07:49
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2024 07:49


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